Women Empowerment

Women Empowerment

Gender equality is still a burning issue of our times. Still today women are not getting equal individual, social and economic opportunities, though the women are playing a very important role in rural economy. This is severely impacting their capacities and growth opportunities. For a progressive society, the representation by women in social, political and economic processes is very important so that women be empowered for community and social development.


Our Interventions

Parmarth has strong women centric approach to reduce gender discrimination and to promote women empowerment. All our interventions are centred around this approach.

Parmarth has initiated a unique model – The Jal Sahelis, considering that women have the first right on water. This Jal Saheli model seeks to engage individual women/adolescentsresponsible for carrying forward the water security agenda and provide leadershiptowards collective assertion for water rights and entitlements, including governmentschemes, through processes such as awareness generation.



  • 836+ Jal Saheli Trained
  • 500+ Pani Panchayat formed, Total 6200+ women’s member
  • 500+ Women benefitted income generation Activities
  • 100+ Women’s empowerment event
  • 250+ Various training of Women’s empowerment


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